Saturday, January 18, 2025

Blood of Christ

 -I added a miracle to my list

-in all copies of my CONSERATORY

-I say being in there can heal almost anything

-a few years ago I saw a red drop of something on the floor in it

-maybe Jam

-I tasted it in case it was the blood of CHRIST from the CRUCIFXION and it gave me powers or something

-I might have splits coming out of me looking like Rob Liefeld and Kyle Lowder. Doing miracles, fighting crime, having sex et

-ROB Liefeld. KYLE Lowder

-like I BURGLAR from Christ

-I might have got them at the base of MAUAO / MESSIAH repeating over


-like God God God

-BOP maybe me looking exactly like CHRISTIAN Paredes. Maybe with the MESSIAH like personality I saw in him

-splits coming out of me from about aged 1 or 2. The slide of me in full standing naked in the garden. Until the day I die. Me seeing in a ditch in paddocks lying the full skeleton of a man

-looking like Christian I am always naked. With the list of 12 super hero powers. And maybe able to do almost any miracles

-I tried tasting it

-about April 2017 soon after my miracles became really powerful. I tried to time travel back in time to just before the Crucifixion and offer to give Jesus Christ a pain relief shot

-on the Cross he cried I THIRST. Like me tasting blood

-a person held up a LANCE with VINEGAR

-Paul LONGLEY edited villain in Archie style comics about me called WINDSOR High

-I went on a trip to the USA about 2000. In one night I got lost at each of three Washington DC MEMORIALS / MARVELS / MIRACLES

-maybe the splits coming out of me looking like Rob Liefeld, Kyle Lowder and Christian Paredes

-me these three

-getting off the Bus I repeated Bop Bup Bup as in bum bum bum. And then saw a couple looking like Binky and Lois Lane. My mother the Whore of Babylon?

-I start as these three when I was born

-until my ETERNITY. As I was getting back on the Bus to go home. A Mental Illness woman LYNETTE was GETTING OFF

-she looks slightly like the Wicked Witch

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