-when I was very young I saw once in my grandparents' lounge a largish, dated, sinister looking book of rhymes etc
-one read Who Killed Cock Robin?
-Not I said the. Not I said the Not I said the...
-I only saw it once and I don't know why my grandparents would have had it
-I ROBBED his appearance and the personality I saw in him
-getting on the Bus to go home off was getting LYNETTE 'ECOLES' / LINE I drew down the middle of Christian's body. ECOLES I talk like what I saw
-the poem Who Killed Cock Robin? In the book TOM THUMB's PRETTY Song Book / the THUMB shaped object that fell from my CRUTCH. Christian is 'PRETTY'
-a Parade of people in oversized PORCELAIN costumes / CHRISTIAN PAREDES / CAPTAIN POWERS
-the dream I had that night of the Parade in their THEMED GROUPS / about 60 Universes one after the other. With each Universe a theme of a Bible Chapter
-NOT I said the. NOT I said the. NOT I said the...
-I repeated over and over the line BOP BUP BUP (as in BUM)
-I had been thinking a long time I wanted to get up the miracles from my Blogs like-
-that I have been working on since November 18th 2020
-about all with my most powerful miracles
-then it would be fine and logical to come back from maybe a Plate I had been on
-today I decided I would try to never deliberately come back
-I might have gone there Friday March 31st 2017 when I went to the next town and repeated over and over the line-
-Bop Bup Bup
-each line had figures like a row of 6 sixes
-I have most of the US Back Issues I want that are practical
-soon I was going to try to save a few weeks and get a number of DC Comics' mid-1970s Famous First Edition / Treasuries. Newspaper sized pages
-Famous FIRST Edition- as in 'BOP' Bup Bup
-in 1984 I had a close friend named ANTHONY HAYES. ANTI Christ. A PITCHFORK is used on Hay
-his father was driving us home one night. Maybe from the movies seeing a Friday the 13th film. That year we saw Part 4 then Part 3
-Friday the '13th' like I might have gone to the Plate on Friday the '31st'
-at the end of 1984 they moved to New Zealand's biggest city. Like me moving or not moving home
-I thought in the car with them that night one of them said his father was going to be TREASURER of all of Auckland. New Zealand's biggest city
-logically the lists of miracles will go up some time
-maybe this method will keep me longer where I have been living. Where since Friday March 31st 2017 while there my miracles might have almost unlimited power. And I have had the happiest times of my life
-I get the last order of US Back Issues soon to replace many of the ones I wound up selling off
-then I will buy older more expensive Back Issues. I will buy more of the Trade Books etc I sold off. And other titles
-the night before I went to the Mount. I was concerned because I went against forces and started a second Blog called BIG LITTLE. The next day my miracle power became big. BIG LITTLE / BOP BUP BUP
-about 1978
-I had a dream I was in my grandparents' garage
-there was a Witch there
-tall, long red hair, a largish red dress
-I asked her Are you Wendy the Good Little Witch?
-Wendy the Good Little Witch a Harvey Comics character and her slogan
-Are you the GOOD little WITCH
-I am all of the figures GOOD / GODS
-WITCH / WHICH. The Anti-Christ, False Prophet, Second Beast, Destroyer, Magog and Gog
-I lived in LEBANON Street at the time. LEBANON / REVELATIONS
-today I had delivered the 500 page Showcase Presents Atom Vol 1
-I ordered it because on the cover was
-Atom in a lightbulb. It was years ago. I took the three lightbulbs from my bedroom because of forces in my mind
-and put them in a black refuse bag
-and crushed them with VHS cases of Star Trek the Next Generation
-I had got 30 double episode tapes for $2 each
-and on that cover around Atom in the lightbulb
-was a jagged white star
-on October 16th 2016 appeared a white spikey star
-the size of the top half of my computer
-spikes all around it. Mostly small but the spikes on the middle of the left and white side went far out
-when I looked at the Showcase book today it referred to the original 1940s Atom
-it said he was trained to have the perfect body
-maybe I will get the exact same looking body I saw in a Muscle Supplement add in 1995 named Christian 'Paredes'
-maybe that white spikey star caused it
-along with 30 tapes of Star Trek the NEXT GENERATION